Introductions!! Two new babies to take care. My first one I have already started is Moose, a standard Bulldog, whom just happens to be the sweetest big boy.

Moose loving his walk!

He has a heart condition and digestion problems, PLUS he is 11 years old but just a puppy at heart. I have the pleasure of opening his BIG, HUGE MOUTH WITH TEETH, and SHOVE his heart pill down his throat daily.


This may be a tidy tip; if your dog will not take a pill with a treat, you may have to open their mouth by grabbing their lower jaw and prying it open and place the pill or capsule at the back of their tongue so they swallow on impulse. Always, always have a special treat ready afterwards. But Moose then gets the best part, loves and rubs from me and FRESH cooked chicken from his awesome Mom. Talk about a spoiled baby!

Picture, stuffed animal AND the real dog, MOOSE

He also requests FRESH, COLD, FILTERED water from the fridge. His mom’s description of him is, “80% of the time he is a love, old man style and 20% of the time he is anxious. On the street 1:1 he may get his feathers ruffled.” So far, Moose and I have had a ball together!


Then there is Jack, ANOTHER STANDARD POODLE PUPPY! I will only see him a couple times a week, but he already has his doodle cut going on, and he is a SILVER puppy!!


So rare to see, and he is just as sweet as my other standard poodle puppy, Otis. I cannot wait to start with him this week!